Changing Management Companies?

If you’re looking at our site, it’s very likely you’ve had some issues or doubts about your current property management company.

Perhaps you’re experiencing a high rate of vacancies due to slow management response? Maybe your good tenants are moving out because bad tenants are making them miserable. Are you receiving the financial information you need only when you ask for it and sometimes not even then?

If you are having issues, you’re very likely losing money.

Our focus is on providing owners with personal service. We will meet with you and listen to your expectations and your needs. We make some recommendations and then customize our service to meet your goals.

Transitioning to a new management company can be a good experience. We have a system that gives you a clear path that keeps your history intact and your tenants informed.

Our Transition System

  • We retrieve your history from the current Property Management Company  
  • Inspect the property in person  
  • Meet and talk to current tenants to understand their concerns  
  • Review tenant records
  • Examine rent roll  
  • Evaluate any vacant properties and assess any improvements that need to be made  
  • Audit vendor invoices and payments  
  • Make recommendations to improve your property and income  
  • Assure you’re being led in the right direction when it comes to federal, state and city regulations 
  • Give you a report on comparable properties in the area

Our Rates: Our rates are based on a percentage of the rents collected. We don’t nickel and dime our clients and we don’t charge any initial start-up fees. If we aren’t collecting rent, we aren’t getting paid

When choosing your next property management company, ask the right questions: